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Old 2023-12-17, 08:40   Link #31
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
This not a excuse to not try.
Did you need a scene where Touma asks his peers for the phone number of a woman barely any of them know to exist?

Make the research public then. I am not asking Touma to get dissected like a lab rat either.
It is for everyone's benefit for IB and AC's secret out in open. At least for Touma's inner circle.
They have nothing but benefits if they figure this out.
What research? Like I said, whatever notes Aleister had are gone with the Windowless Building and Mina. Nothing for Accel to publish.

We don't need it beyond that. We just need to know how Othinus expanded IB's restoration power to Phase scale. And we know Index can replicate Magic God's power on a very specific level like last time with Levinia
Then replicate exactly what allowed Othinus to expand IB's power to phase level.
Don't you think they should try this first instead of having Touma getting exasperated the same old way whenever IB fails him?
For argument's sake, let's say this is possible to recreate. How does this help Touma in his day to day battles? It's like Kimi all over again

So he is making no progress since St. Germain.
I mean did the people he endagered are suddenly not part of his "everyone" ?What happened this time is a repeat of St.Gwrmain, not CRC is so strong that KnT can't bail Touma out. The only difference is that no one on Touma's side got wiped because Accel has a better plan B.
So again Touma made a bad decision yet avoid responsibility.
That's why I say he is just flip floping and has no idea on what "everyone" is to him
He already did think about all that, asked for help from his friends and associates about all that and he decided to go through with it anyway, That's actually progress for him, compared to when he refused to tell anyone about anything bothering him at all.

He knows clearly what 'everyone' means to him (or at least he has a better idea since he met the Transcendants) but he also realizes thanks to meeting them, that sometimes life is not so simple and he'll have to go outside of what is ideal for him for his own sake.

Illusion, illusion, this is illusion. It cannot harm me.
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