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Old 2023-12-16, 08:20   Link #25
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
Because despite his big talk that he'll not make the same mistake and not rely on KnT again... did he spent any effort to make himself a better person to not make the sane mistake and a person who can live without KnT?
The answer is no.

Let's use IB as an example.
Did he try to improve his fighting prowess so he can better deal with whatever big bad is going to show up next? Or did he just spent his days unprepared and slacking off like he always did?
It's literally been less than a month since then. Unlike Accel who has all the time in the world to lay around, Touma actually had to do schoolwork and his part time job so he wouldn't starve to death, not to mention all the stuff that's happened since then. Did you want him to master karate on the side too?

Will it be so hard to give Accel a call to have him dig up Aleister's old research data on IB?
If you actually think Aleister kept that shit anywhere other than his own head (or on Mina, who's no longer in the city), I have a bridge to sell you

And provide it to Othinus and come up with ways to bring out IT's untapped potentials?
He knows the limitation if IB good enough, and know IB is his biggest weapon without KnT.
He also have Othinus on his shoulder, who can use IB better than he did to the scope of restoring an entire Phase. And what did he do with all these resources? Nothing.
Did he studied and worked hard like a proper student to fine his ability before the crisis hit?
Or he just take the short cut and pull out KnT?
Even Othinus does not know what's beyond the right hand. Barring Aleister, who he thought was dead, the only way for him to learn is to do.

I mean, what would you feel if Accel breaks principles by coming out of the jail, calls out the Third Tree and brute force not CRC?
I'd be disappointed, because Accel made an actual commitment by going to jail for real. Touma's talk with KnT was a completely different thing.

Illusion, illusion, this is illusion. It cannot harm me.
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