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Old 2023-11-12, 00:24   Link #100
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Rising of the Shield Hero season 3. Each of Their Paths

Thinking things through for a second time, I actually ponder if another incident similar with that Kyo guy from Glass world will ensue in the third season.

The assassins came from another world and whomever is pulling their strings wants Raphtalia's world eradicated along with Naofumi and the three stooges.

Even if Raphtalia was on the right, Naofumi cannot indulge in the luxury at relaxing his guard after letting that Sy'ne girl to stay in Lurolona village. After all, he's being his usual self and wants not a repeat of an incident similar with the slavers befalling the village again.

Still, Sy'ne herself being from another world and a vassal weapon hero to boot brings another mystery, though the otherworldly visitors is turning into a cliché in and of itself for this show.

Now, let's see what's the deal with Ren going masked duking it out against Motoyasu.
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