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Old 2023-11-10, 10:04   Link #91
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Ren backstory! He started out as kind of an awkward guy who was great at VRMMMO games...sounds familiar? But his experience gaming worked against him because he just assumed everything in this other world worked like his game, and he let his companions' praise go to his head, and when things turned out badly and he ended up getting his companions' killed, he had no way of properly processing it .

And then Bitch walks in, and Ren knew better than to believe her, but he was so desperate for someone to still see worth in him and believe in HIM that he fell for her hook line and sinker. And to add insult to injury Bitch straight up robbed him and stole his equipment !

That's not even the end of it, because those two bandits who went after Naofumi came after him too, and Ren had to run like a coward, not receiving any help from the citizes who hate him like they hate the rest of the Three Stooges now for screwing up with the Spirit Tortoise. Hitting rock bottom and having nothing left finally lets Ren achieve his Curse powers, just in time to kill and take over the bandits' identity .

So Motoyasu is going to keep up with this "Father" thing, huh? He'll literally do anything Naofumi says now .

Ren is definitely a lot more powerful with his Curse spells. Naofumi had Wrath, but Ren had Greed (and also Gluttony). Makes me wonder what sins Motoyasu and Itsuki have .

I didn't expect (nor want to see) giant golden boob monster !

Time for Eclair to get the spotlight! A real swordswoman here to make the Sword Hero realize that his obsession with strength and obtaining everything was hollow, and not what he truly desired. And no matter how much he threw his strength at her she was able to dodge and defeat it, and even defeating him with a rapid flurry of her blade like Asuna would've done !

Motoyasu...actually helped!? He killed the bandits with no problem. He's actually competent now!? Just keep him away from Filo though .

Ren has his issues but he's still a guy who saved three girls from getting stabbed, so there's hope for him yet. Especially with Eclaire by his side .
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