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Old 2023-10-31, 13:50   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 1097 [manga]

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Welcome, folks! It's that time again! Credit for the initial info goes to..... well, not Redon this time, but some of the other regular providers:

-Chapter title is "Ginny". Splash features Kuma and Ginny together, appropriately enough.

-Continuing the flashback, eight years have passed since the God Valley incident. A teenage Kuma is now a pastor at the church, and uses his DF ability to heal the elderly. However, Ginny (now a young adult) chides him for being too nice. We also learn that the new king of Sorbet, Becori, is a greedy tyrant who bleeds the citizens dry of their money in order to pay tribute to the Celestial Dragons! Later, after his day's work is done, Kuma takes all the pain he removed from others unto himself.... because if he doesn't, it would eventually fester and return to their original owners. Obviously, this upsets Ginny....

-A few years later, Ginny suggests she and Kuma get married, but the young priest refuses because he doesn't want her to suffer from mere association to his lineage.... as his own family did. Meanwhile, he reads news about Dragon in the papers, whom he looks up to. A few more years later, Sorbet's crisis worsens, as the king has split the nation in half! The northern part is for those with wealth, while the poor are left to fend for themselves in the lawless southern half! And unfortunately, southerners such as Kuma and co. find themselves thrown in the slammer for standing up to this great injustice....

-.... That is, until the wicked king is suddenly overthrown! And the people responsible for liberating Sorbet? Why, none other than Dragon and Ivankov! They proceed to bust Kuma's gang our of prison, who all decide straight away to join Dragon's cause! From that moment on, the Freedom Army is rebranded the Revolutionary Army, and both Kuma and Ginny become two of its commanders! However, the army still lacks funding and weapons. We also learn that Dragon was a former marine, but quit the force due to discovering there was no justice there. Now, he's determined to grow the RA and free the oppressed from the WG's tyranny!

-We skip forward to 14 years in the past. Ginny is excited to meet up with Kuma, but unfortunately, she ends up getting captured in a surprise attack....!!!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2023-11-03 at 19:16.
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