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Old 2023-10-26, 15:52   Link #52
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Have you never heard of Lawful Good? Eclair is Naofumi's subordinate, but she's also a soldier of the kingdom under the Queen. I for one find it hard to buy that she'd feel right covering things up.
I disagree, but again, plot convenience to make Naofumi use slavery, because the writer clearly has a fetish for it.

Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
For starters, if I understand right, slavery HAS been abolished. There are still illegal slavers out there, but they've been forced to work underground or in more lawless locations. The trader himself has to pick and choose where he works as a result. And I'd say you're seriously overstating Naofumi's political power. The Queen isn't able to fully eradicate slavery, so what makes you think a Hero that many in their nation still revile as the devil incarnate can? Not to mention that the reason he has as much standing as he does is because they're in a time of CRISIS. It's not going to be very long at all before they face a new enemy that by all accounts will be at least if not far more powerful than the one that nearly crushed him and all his allies, killing countless people in the process. He's got bigger things on his mind than the remnants of a corrupt institution, things like gathering as many allies as his standing and finances currently DO allow him to gather, keeping them safe, and training as many of them as he can to be able to fight at his side. And if achieving his more pressing goals means he has to work with unsavory people in vile trades, then he'll do so.

This's my problem. People keep saying nonsense like "He's not even TRYING to stop this thing", completely ignoring the size of what they want him to stop, the amount of time and effort it'd take to even make an attempt, and the fact that he has MUCH bigger concerns. If he's still around after the four beasts have been annihilated and whatever is causing the Waves has been neutralized, then you can preach about how he needs to do something about the continued presence of slavery, but for now he has to focus on what will get other, more urgent jobs done as soon as possible. And for that, what matters here is making it clear to anyone that would try to harm or kidnap the citizens of his territory that such actions would be a very bad idea. To that end, making it clear that the punishment will match the crime is a simple yet effective message to his enemies.
The anime is not about slavery, but about saving the world from the invasions. That the writer is again and again hammering on the slavery button is for no good reason but to make Naofumi use it, is in my eyes bad writing. And the writing would be no more good or bad if Naofumi would use his immense leverage (he's the only one around who is actually doing something so that not everybody gets killed) to actually enforce the abolishment of slavery, instead of re-enforcing it. Which, again, is plot convenience by the writer to push his slavery fetish onto the viewers.
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