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Old 2006-08-24, 05:10   Link #43
Join Date: May 2006
Location: where Grudge is Greatest, Rancour Endless and Malice Eternal(at school^^;;)
Poor Shion... she went beyond haywireness in this episode.
Poor Rika...
Poor Mion too.
Poor Satoko. Sorry to all the Satoko fans, but it sounded so funny in a cute way when she busted out her 人殺し! at Shion
For some bizare freaky reason I thought it was cute it reminded me of the earlier arc, and I almost imagined a "killer" tag being slapped onto Shion

and...poor Rena almost no screentime throughout this arc.

Originally Posted by sagematt
I got very angry after I watched episode 20 and I was like WTF? This arc still hasn't ended? Are they even going to animate Tsumihoroshi at all?. I guess we can only pray to Oyashiro-sama
I'll be praying with you

....*joins Oyashiro-sama club*

To Oyashiro-sama: I also want more ebil Rena for christmas ;_;
*sends letter to north pole*
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