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Old 2023-09-25, 09:09   Link #12767
Out and proud autistic
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Question Could someone check that the unidentified manga panels are really from Remote?

Originally Posted by anime2004 View Post
Hi SaoriShun, I don't know it yet myself but I got a random first impression of "Cheeky Angel" but it's from up to 2003, and the eye might be a bit high on the unknown character, the other main character would have spikey hair but his top half is white, taller and flairs out more including bangs. Though it could be some other minor character in the bottom panel. I assume not a match, but it's been a long time since I read it. I wouldn't look too hard at that thought as a possibility. I just mention it since it some how popped into mind for a moment. I see/know what they mean regarding I's like style. I've watched the ovas but don't own any manga for it.

I'll have to give it some thought for a while, but do give it time for others to come by and see your request. Sorry to post so quickly without anything good ready to go. I'm very busy this weekend but it of interest I may poke around too regarding Vouge Nippon and that issue. Not sure I'll find anything but if something maybe useful comes up I'll let you know. Luckily 2007 is also around internet times, even if the clipping might be older.

EDIT2: I just had one pop in for SaoriShun

I think it could be "Remote" but can go look some and see. It may not be it as it's been a long time but that one is probably worth looking into.

Title(en): Remote
Title(jp): リモート
Years: 2002-2004 in Weekly Young Magazine
Artist: Koshiba Tetsuya (小柴哲也)
Author: Seimaru Amagi (pen: 天樹征丸 / 樹林 伸)
Links: Wiki(en)(jp)

It got a English release by Tokyopop too.

I don't think I have a copy but I tore through several volumes in a short time back then. Maybe a guilty pleasure in that I was not completely hooked but it had a bit of appeal for me in some potential detective mystery, etc. I don't think I finished reading it.

That darn fiance that pops up! I think Haha. Not the bishonen brilliant detective.

The characters profile images may not be in every place but I think I can find some examples and return here. I'm not 100% on it yet but much more then the random mention earlier.

Rambling about the (not so complicated) path to considering it
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So if it's Remote then please let the person that did the mockup art know I think that helped in a way!
Thank you! From what I can tell the art style is incredibly similar or identical to Koshiba Tetsuya's manga Remote, and they could even be the same manga.

I've done some searching online and found scans of the official English translation of all volumes of Remote on

Sorry to bother anyone by asking this of them, but could someone please go through each Remote volume in the link that I gave to check if the manga panels from John Galliano's 'Japan research diary' are from Remote? I'd do this myself but unfortunately I'm extremely time-poor because I constantly have to spend hours at my grandmother's house due to her dementia, and then I have to do hours of work every day, and by the time that I've finished both these tasks it's time to wash the dishes and go to bed.

I'm excited that I might finally identify this manga!

EDIT: I am sorry to say this, but no-one would go through the scans of Remote for me so I went through all ten volumes myself in the link that I gave and unfortunately the manga panels that I found in the 'Japan research diary' are not from Remote.
Also, if you check the images from this research diary the manga panels have Japanese text instead of English, which means that John Galliano must have taken those panels from a manga magazine published in Japan. Furthermore, he created the Akihabara page of the research diary (the page where those manga panels appeared) in October 2006, so the manga whose panels he used was published in a magazine issue published around October 2006. Remote was released in Japan from 2002 to 2004, which means that the manga panels are from a different manga.
However, the art style of the unidentified manga looks awfully a lot like Tetsuya Koshiba's, and he did have another manga of his, Mankai Otome (aka Mankai Shoujo, aka 満開少女 in kanji) published in July 2006 in issue 19 of Weekly Young Magazine. Unfortunately there are no scans of Mankai Otome/Mankai Shoujo online, only a preview of the first 20 pages of that manga (you have to buy the manga to read the rest). Could someone check if the unidentified manga is this other Tetsuya Koshiba manga?

Last edited by SaoriShun; 2023-09-27 at 13:34. Reason: The manga is not Remote because the panels were found in October 2006, two years after Remote finished publishing.
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