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Old 2023-09-20, 10:00   Link #181
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Circumstances aside, it's actually kind of nice to see Miyo and Kiyoka finally sharing a bed, basically, as she sleeps beside him to free him from his Grotesquerie coma. Bonus points for handholding !

Kiyoka is fighting a swarm of Grotesqueries who won't stop coming, but he can't lose until he's seen Miyo again and made it up to her, as he engages in some stunning action animation .

Jeez, Miyo just can't escape the Saimori house even in her dreams? Though I didn't expect creepy Smol Miyo. Or the personification of Miyo's lingering guilt and depression to challenge her to give up by throwing back in her face all her doubts and self-loathing, even though it's that side of her that's still in the most pain. But Miyo won't be weak any longer, she'll brave whatever pain or troubles are thrown in her way because she understands now that there are people who love and cherish her, as she loves and cherishes them in turn...including her husband-to-be. And what better way to mark this self-actualization than Miyo getting her own magical transformation sequence as the Dream-Sight Maiden and consoling her past self ?

Also, props to Reina Ueda. The two Miyo's sounded like two distinct people .

And Miyo's not done, not only does she arrive to save Kiyoka and dispel the Grotesqueries, but she's even able to throw Mikado's own magic back at him and grievously wound him in the process. No wonder everyone was so worried about the Usuba blood she carries in her veins .

But this is what we've all been waiting for...Miyo and Kiyoka's reconciliation and re-commitment to each other. Complete with a romantic embrace !

I'm kind of surprised Arata just let Miyo go like this after all the trouble the Usuba's went to get her back, but I guess with Mikado as he is now, Miyo choosing to be with Kiyoka, and Kiyoka ready to challenge Arata again, there's not much worth in fighting her on this .

Nice to see Miyo back where she's happiest...with her husband-to-be and getting to enjoy peak domestic bliss with him .

I had actually totally forgotten they were prepping Miyo for a party, but wow, she looked absolutely stunning in that dress. She really was a true Cinderella, complete with being the most beautiful person at the "ball," especially as she and her husband-to-be lock arms and look at each other with such love in their heart .
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