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Old 2006-08-24, 00:16   Link #41
Magician of Words
Join Date: Aug 2006
@imac2much: Ok, I didn't meant that. I edited my post
Sushi and kj stopping posting? Oyashiro-sama, please, NEVER let that happen, it would be really awful. They were the ones who got me into it (by reading their tips) and even made be buy the visual novels.

No, it's not their duty, and if they ultimately decide not to inform us, that's up to them. I'm just saying that they should think of us lesser fans as the younger siblings, we have only the bastardized version by Deen and our inability to read Japanese makes us feel helpless. I'm not asking to spoil us, it's just that if, the arc has ended, if they are going to talk about what was left out, it would be wise and polite to inform us, since I believe we are the ones with the most interest on that matter (for example, such kickass quote by Satoko being left out ).
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