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Old 2023-08-10, 19:58   Link #99
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Originally Posted by Hyodou True DXD View Post
If they could join some peerage of the main cast Ishi could give them some spot-light otherwise..

The Rook guy could take some Xenovia's pawn or be the only rook of someone between Gasper and Ravel.

You know honestly I wouldn't completely discarded the idea that they can end up in Saji's peerage.

Really I don't understand why Ishi haven't give the pieces to main cast characters like Kiba and Akeno but he have let characters to which he couldn't have any more plans like Saji, Shinra and even Alivian to their peerage.

I was thinking could Bova be the pawns of Xenovia or Ravel?
Because their only purpose was to pad out Shooting Star's team and nothing else. They won't have any long term significance as characters if you can even call them that. Their abilities are basic and pretty much every named character outclasses them. Why do you think that he didn't even write any of them fighting with Sairaorg's servants?

Knight who's really fast? Kiba in a nutshell. Bishop who's strong in one type of magic? That may be kind of unique but is rather pathetic once you think about all the characters who pretty much are focused around a specific element or type of power like Ingvild or Akeno even though they are queens. Her lack of versatility would just make her rather weak as a bishop compared to some of the other ones. Super-strong rook? That's basically Gandoma Balam(Sairaorg's rook). They're essentially worthless as characters and aren't original or unique in the slightest just like Shooting Star who Ishibumi seems to want to be a mix of Sairaorg, Cao Cao, and Dulio.

Just introduce actual characters with actual abilities and names to be their servants.
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