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Old 2023-08-10, 05:52   Link #8221
Hyodou True DXD
Hyodou True DXD .
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: Italy
However trying to stay more on topic with the main discussion topic of this thread what you guys think about the possibility that Issei thanks Ryuuuteimaru could be the source for some power up to his friends and girlfriends?

For example he could make a evolved version of the Dividing Wyvern Form that could turn into weapons who have both boost, transfer, penetrate and a few amount of the aura of Ophis and GR?

Like black and crimson swords for Kiba, Xenovia and Irina, propulsor with cannons that could be equipped to the wings of Akeno for increasing her flying speed and release much powerful holy lightnings, a hand-mounted machine gun that would allow Rias to fire a much more powerful and faster version of her barrage of power of destruction's orb bullets that could even be further enhanced with penetrate.
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