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Old 2023-07-26, 23:19   Link #74
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Originally Posted by frubam View Post
You know, I'm glad Miyo didn't end up with Koji. I guess I can't blame the boy(yes, BOY), but seeing how he is getting pushed around with no control over his life, I see that he would have been a poor, maybe even pathetic support for Miyo, given what her life has been like. Not having the courage to stand up to these forces makes him look so bad; he wouldn't be able to protect her like she needed, esp because of how fragile she was.
Yeah, Koji was basically useless here. He had ample opportunity to try and dial Kaya back but he made barely any effort to do so despite seeing what Kaya was doing to Miyo.

Not to mention I wouldn't trust Miyo with his family. His father only wants her for her bloodline and his brother seems suspicious.
I'm also surprised at the nature of powers being used, and that anyone, esp(what I assume to be) the head of a powerful supernatural family, would indirectly-directly attack the commander of the supernatural force. They haven't really delved into how powers work, and I wonder if its more like Shin Sekai Yori than traditional powers and such. Kiyoka showed some elemental stuff the 2nd/3rd ep, but Tatsuishi's origami cranes(and being invisible), and also Koji's brother zipping Koji's lips could be any number of things.
I wouldn't be surprised if that charm Kiyoka gave Miyo is actually enchanted because he was very insistent she always take it with her whenever she goes out.
Guess what everyone surmised was true; Shinichi was a scumbag through and through. I was giving the man a shred of doubt because the terms which he gave Miyo to Kiyoka after initially promising to give her to the other patriarch weren't clear, and thought it might be a hidden motive. But I guess he really did anticipate Kiyoka would discard her, and still fulfill the contract with Tatsuishi.
He straight up said in the flashback/dream that the only way he could love Miyo is if they were a mediocre family where her lack of powers wasn't relevant, meaning he probably never loved her.

Which just makes it all the more satisfying when someone who actually does finally tells him off.
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
It's a bit weird, but I'm guessing Kiyoka had a "the family of the woman I will marry will receive a ridiculous amount of money" notice sent everywhere, and it's part of the reason he went through so many candidates. Shinichi probably figured it couldn't hurt to send Miyo there.

I'm thinking Shinichi is so greedy he's going to make the family go through with the apology, but Kiyoka asked for a sincere apology, and we all know that's never going to happen because none of those three feel any remorse for treating Miyo like crap. I'm hoping when it comes to this point he'll ask them all to dogeza in front of Miyo to humiliate them. We'll see if greed or pride will be stronger.
Yeah, the leverage Kiyoka had over them is the bridal money which is what they care about.
Right now though I'm worried about what Kouji's father has planned to take Miyo back. The title of the show is "My happy marriage" but she isn't married yet, so she could still go through plenty of painful experiences. But I'm hoping she'll be able to get through this on her own, like maybe by standing up to Kaya since she's apparently a key part of the plan.
Either he plans to have Kaya bully Miyo some more or seduce Kiyoka. Neither will probably end well.
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