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Old 2023-07-17, 12:44   Link #69
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Originally Posted by Hyodou True DXD View Post
@ Lucidrago the fact is that in my opinion if Rias's peerage members would be only made of monsters then she would banned by regulars Rating Games

Issei could already be in the future banned list, Gasper as well if is future power would be something broken could end up by not allowed anymore to be in regular Rating Games.

Rias would need guys that are strong but she want have a peerage that allow her to be the champion regulars RG one day, but if she keep up like this then it would end up that only she, Akeno, Kiba and Koneko would be allowed to play regulars RG

The fact that they haven't managed to be no one of Sairorg's peerage was more or less justified by the fact that they weren't at the 100% of the shape cause they haven't fully recovered by their previous matches.
Why would she be banned from participating in Rating Games? Xenovia is not allowed to participate in Rating Games with her peerage because of the fact that she had to have Ajuka personally turn some of her pieces into mutation pieces just so they would work on Balberith and Verrine. Not because her peerage is too powerful although it's linked to that.

If Rias just simply used the piece she had available without any outside interference to reincarnate all her existing servants then there's no problem. Same goes for Issei and Gasper.

Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko are monsters as well. Why do you think that only Issei and Gasper are? Those three are well abive just typical servants of did you think they were the norm? The daughter of a fallen angel leader who is the strongest fallen angel at the moment and a user of Holy Lightning, a Nekoshou who can use touki as well as senjutsu and youjutsu, and a guy who has two very versatile Sacred Gears and five demonic swords. And there's Loup as well who is a very powerful werewolf who incorporates magic into his physical attacks.

There will certainly be limitations put on them but Rias' wouldn't be outright banned fromRating Games for simply using the evil pieces high-class devils are able to receive.

You seem to think that the knight and bishop are going to be Longinus possessors. I just want them to have some uniquely strong abilities like Bennia or Loup Garou. I don't want them to just have some slap-on ability like being super fast because Kiba already had that or being very powerful in the use of one element because Akeno pretty much has that.

Just have them join Saji's peerage.
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