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Old 2023-07-02, 11:08   Link #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Age: 48
Okay, so Permet is basically the afterlife or how do we have to understand all that?

We get the super big happy ending for everyone, within limits. I am a bit rankled that the Peil Hags apparently walked without prison time for killing El4n. Lots of character arcs also went pretty unresolved, with a lof of "wait, those characters are doing what now?" in the epilogue to boot. No kiss as well, booo! Commit to your yuri, guys!

Anyway, all in all still an enjoyable show with some of the best 2D mecha animation of the last decade or so. 7,5/10, could have been better with tighter plotting. Basically the first Gundam show I ever enjoyed as well, since they didn't put the pedal to the metal with senseless deaths and despair. It gets an 8/10 in the poll from me, since I think it is closer to that score than to a 7/10 and we don't get fractional scores in the poll.
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