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Old 2023-04-06, 10:51   Link #10929
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
The author of 90s LN series Gokudō-kun Manyuuki thinks the current crop of isekai stories, esp. the ones that started from Narou, have no originality in them.

Notable comments from the interview:
…When I see so many stories being mass-produced about people suddenly being given amazing abilities, being popular with girls, and being in a harem...I wonder where the originality (is). I wonder if people are not ashamed of writing the same kind of novels.
You shouldn’t write for the sake of sales from the time you are an amateur. It is out of the question to be concerned about what others think of you. You must write what only you can write. It is out of that that future hits will be born.
The Reddit thread discussing her views also have some food for thought comments as well.

Many of those authors writing what seems to be the same repetitive tripe...will also be passionate about what they write. If you love to write, writing is FUN! Also, hard and gruelling.
The idea of getting published at all when you're an amateur is absolutely incredible and feels like an unobtainable dream. It's not even just about putting food on the table, it's everything you've ever hoped for as an amateur author.
Plus, it's easy to understand that there are people who love to watch and read this repetitive isekai-fantasy. So it should be equally obvious that there are also people who just love to write it, too, love to draw it and love to animate it.
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