Thread: Crunchyroll Ooyukiumi no Kaina
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Old 2023-03-15, 13:30   Link #31
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Well, now the Admiral is using his Builder to Mecha to straight up throw Atland's own defenses against them. And they're pretty much powerless against it !

You have to respect that Orinoga's not about to give up and lay down his sword, even at the cost of his own men, when so much is riding on this fight. Even Amelothee respects him enough to let them end it with single combat, even if she's sporting an artifact suit of armor that puts her so far above him in skill level. But their clash of blades is pretty epic .

No hesitation on Kaina's part to go save someone! You gotta love it! Even the prince of the kingdom showed more hesitation, but he made up for it by being there and taking care of the civilian they saved. Also will Kaina's laser at it's highest setting be what ends up saving them all ?

I like how the Builder is missing an arm and constantly has an alert about it .

"I'll kill his daughter in front of him!" Not only did he not kill Ririha, but her dad didn't even know she was there. So...pretty big failure on his part .

The Light returns and turns out to be the Ascender, the god like being of the Snow Sea...and it's pretty cool, even if it ends up not doing anything when the Builder swipes through it. So that was a fat lot of nothing. Though I was honestly wondering if all that rain might end up rusting the Builder enough that it stops moving or is easier to break .

Ririha has been so brave and confident but even she freaks out when she thinks the Builder has spotted her again. Do something, Kaina !
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