Thread: Licensed Yuru Camp△ The Movie
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Old 2023-01-04, 23:11   Link #35
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
Seriously? We're feuding over whether people should/shouldn't be in a relationship?

Why the actual hell does that mean much of anything, if anything at all? I get that some cultures heavily believe in that or family being the most important things, but come on...And why is it your business if they are or aren't?

Being in a relationship doesn't just magically fix things or make one better. Anime would sure love you to believe that, though. If anything, it makes things far more complicated and trying. Not always a bad thing, though. People can make each other better if they both put in the effort. Which rarely happens in reality though.

And let's be honest. The 996 work culture within Asia is incredibly harsh. This is not something where a relationship would be healthy or have enough time to participate in. That is one of Japan's biggest issues. Quality of living, infrastructure, income are good but the working culture of people being valued for time in a company and for other very outdated practices towards people not in a company as long and/or females is absurd. Or the 'participate in the after-work drinking clique or else' pressure.

If a person doesn't feel much of anything being single, then why would they be ready for a relationship? Heck, most people are definitely not capable of properly being in a relationship in their 20s. If anything, that's the time in your life where you think you know everything then come crashing back to earth and realise you don't. No friend/colleague/family of mine has avoided regretting their 20s. There's nothing wrong with youthful optimism or exuberance, but there's certain maturations on multiple levels that need to occur. Particularly within a cause vs system balance, work-life balance, dealing with people appropriately, having a healthy relationship, knowing your limits with social media.

And yes, let's be frank - some otaku get tribal when their waifu is no longer single. But if you're expecting anyone to take a risk on that front in one of the most narrow eras of anime where almost everything is shounen, isekai or soft as a feather romcom/slice of life, good luck with that.

In short - let them be.
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