Thread: Crunchyroll Bocchi the Rock!
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Old 2022-12-11, 05:16   Link #60
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Hiroi is a really good mentor for Bocchi. She's had her own failures and struggles, and also overcome most of them except the alcohol dependency.

You could tell even from her first appearance that she actually understood what Bocchi was going through and wasn't just the token drunk character who occasionally spouts wisdom in a somber way. She instantly recognized the way Bocchi was acting, and gently nudges her over the bumps.

The rest of Kessoku Band is similar. They understand Bocchi needs to overcome it on her own, but also aren't afraid of pushing her when she starts to backslide like with the performance sign-up sheet.

My favorite joke this episode was Ryou's side gaze away and the cat ears appearing on her too. It's simple and expected, but for some reason cracked me up the most.

As usual, this series spoiling us with an actual musical performance instead of a hard cut to explaining how good SICK HACK's set was. It's so refreshing, I have to mention it every time.
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