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Old 2006-08-21, 03:31   Link #40
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Fighting Gingivitis
Well I actually meant to say flashbacks not recaps (LOL that GSD is more memorable to you for it's production error based flashbacks and not the actual content of the series on the whole)...Trust GSD entertained me on some level, but to compare it with Zeta you'd never hear me make such a mistake...ZETA was epic, yet non glorifying at the same time...The emotions of Char's inner-conflict, Amuro's disillusionment, and Cammille's ascention was done well for the most part...not every answer was spoonfed to you as the omnious nature of the series is one of it's high points...It's attention to detail during it's mobile suit engages and unapologetic nature towards the ills and brutality of war was groundbreaking...It wasn't about pink haro's and angel baths or superfanboy based lube fapping moments...It was about terror, and gloom, and what's the worth of fighting? The functionality and non-funtionality of those (like the ARGAMA's crew) who take on the challenge to fight against the odds...And in that dismal existence a boy became a man and stepped up to be a hero of this crushing world and for all his efforts instead of getting a VESTGE j-pop insert-song he got his mind-raped proving that even in winning there is still defeat (The harshest of realities)..It's really not for the cartoon minded IMO...It looks at the low-point and evils of man and that even in that blood-dried soil a flower can bloom...There is a reason it is still the highest rated and most hyped GUNDAM series...there is a reason for that... I wouldn't expect everyone to understand especially those who perfer cliche dramatic elements with bishie flawless heroes and agendas (Not saying that's all you guys care for), but for those looking for a raw taste of war, struggle, and realism with in the context of a morbid existence Zeta is the flagship...

Now you can still like both and adjust your mindset accordingly for each series, but in a comparison I can't see it...Maybe SEED would be more acceptable as it pretty much re-hashes MSG, but GSD shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence IMO, especially when it ripped Zeta dry and still fell apart at the seams...I mean how is that even possible?
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