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Old 2022-11-09, 10:44   Link #33
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by stray View Post
It was pretty straightforward about shitting on the Peter Parker Principle and most of the criticism I can remember was based on what-ifs about the demon lord rather than anything Red or Ruti actually did. In that sense I just have no respect for the moral panic. Its like... if you just want a generic hero story there's a billion of those out there, this series actually had an interesting take on what living life under classes might be like.
I think it didn't help that they didn't really expand or explain a lot. Like what is the Demon Lord actually doing? How are people being effected by the Demon Lord? How necessary is the Hero being around to help save people or stop the Demon Lord?

But if they dived deeper into that it might've been harder to support the protagonists' stance.
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