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Old 2022-10-24, 11:06   Link #91
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Join Date: Aug 2013
I guess it really settles in that their dealing with Quincies when Ichigo realizes they fight like Uryu...although they also have some creative workarounds for the whole "use bows" thing .

Man, Koichi Yamadera is having the time of his life playing Quilge and I'm loving every second of it .

It makes sense they would have all the powers of a Quincy like Uryu does, only...Uryu is kind of an outdated Quincy taught the "old ways" by his grandfather Soken, while the modern Quincies have updated for the modern age with an even more dangerous released state .

I commend Ichigo for sticking with his Shikai for as long as he did .

Orihime even managed to grab those two Arrancar girls who bullied her in Hueco Mundo so she could protect/heal them too! She's such a sweetheart .

Don't you just hate it when your finishing move is interrupted by a giant Hollow punching you in the face and beating you within an inch of your life? The Tres Bestia ain't out of this yet! Here comes Ayon !

The Soul Society is gearing for war, and Yamamoto is out for blood. As an aside, it's nice to see Gotei 13 finally have 13 captains again .

Uryu isn't sitting things out entirely, he's trying to find out what's going on with these new Quincies, and Ryuken is as stoic, cold, and unhelpful as possible...but he still gives Uryu the hint he needs to find the truth. And it involves his mother !?

Well, so much for five days...I guess Yhwach just really wants to get things going and invade the Soul Society with his elites, the Sternritter .

Dang it, you never confidently approach an enemy when they're down in a Shonen Battle Manga! And then Quilge just starts absorbing all the Reishi in the area, from the humans, Arrancar's, the environment, everything...and whittles Ayon down to his bones so he can take on a truly monstrous form. Leaving Ichigo no recourse but to finally fight him with Bankai .

Ooh! Does Shino have a crush on Kajomaru? I don't blame her, he's attractive, kind, and really rocks that glasses look. He's like Aizen if he wasn't secretly evil .

Time to recount the history of the Soul Reapers and Quincies, with plenty of flashbacks from the original series! Quincies didn't care about throwing off the balance of the world by completely annihilating Hollows, and the Soul Society had no recourse but to conduct a genocide and kill them all...or so they thought. But now it's set them on a path of war, where justice has no place .

And...then the giant flames of Reishi pop up out of nowhere in the Soul Society. And it's not even just for show, the actual Sternritter pop out of them and start slaughtering people. Poor Izuru loses an arm and half his torso! And we've got Yuki Ono and Yuichiro Umehara out to kill all Soul Reapers !

Look, it's the lieutenants! And Rukia finally gets dialogue !

Man, it's nice to hear Romi Park delivering such a poetic next episode preview as Hitsugaya .
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