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Old 2022-10-10, 18:35   Link #72
User of the "Fast Draw"
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Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Hollows! Can still be as intimidating as ever to anyone who isn't the main cast, but that just made it all the more satisfying when the heroes finally arrived...and we finally heard Number 1 play in all it's glory .
Just goes to show the impact that unleashing a hoard can have. I'm sure those two could have handled one if they were working together. But that turned into quite the spectacle. I like the little touches. Like the mysterious figure using what seems to be the same lure Ishida used when he had that hollow hunting competition with Ichigo before. Both explaining why the heck that happened and adding further confirmation that these guys are certain Quincy.

Seeing everyone get introduced and do their attacks was great! Uryu and Orihime's attacks have never looked more amazing! And Chad just shoves a Hollow into an apartment building which...kind of feels problematic .
Agreed. Honestly Inoue's attacks have never looked cooler. Her defense looked good and even her healing was silky smooth. Ishida remains great and got a lot of style points. Chad...I feel like he went a bit far there. Leaving the side of an entire building with a massive skull face is...problematic.

I know Masakazu Morita has probably done the lines for games or at conventions, but it felt like he'd been holding that Bankai and Getsuga Tensho in ever since the original anime ended! None of the cast have missed a single beat .
That was such a satisfying Bankai and Getsuga Tensho. I'm so happy these voice actors are back.

Also, has Orihime's bust gotten another upgrade? Not that I mind .
Not sure...but I feel like this does require further investigation . Though I'm sure the show will make sure we don't miss out on more chances to confirm that.

New villain shows up in his room...Ichigo straight up kicks him. That's the Ichigo I missed .
That really is Ichigo in a nutshell. Heck, that was a mature Ichigo. He asked the guy twice to get off his bed. Justified kicking I'd say!

Kind of wondering why so many people are disappearing from the Ryokan district. What are the Quincies doing ?
That is the question. I get their declaration of war. But Quincy shouldn't be targeted innocent and harmless souls. Or I don't think they should be. While maybe they threatened the people into leaving like that, it doesn't seem like a huge struggle was had in that area. So they must have encouraged them to leave somehow. But the why is the big question and I can't begin to guess at that.

Poor, poor Sasakibe...Yamamato didn't even need to say anything to convey the grief he felt, but he did make sure to put the fear of the Soul Society into those Quincies. And his line about him being the best security was peak Yamamoto. Also, his new VA sounds so seamless .
I get that the Quincy would have various reasons to hate Soul Society. Even without knowing the exact thinking of their leader. But that was brutal. Poor Sasakibe got wrecked. Still it showed the threat level and got Yamamoto looking pretty darn serious.

"This guy is trying to get me to use my Bankai! Well, I guess I'll just use my Bankai then!" Although it seems like Ichigo was able to stop him from stealing his Bankai with pure power...I guess .
I'm still going to be proud of Ichigo for at least analyzing the fight well enough. And I can kind of get his mindset. He might not need Bankai in that moment, but what if this guy has backup or things get more serious? If he can find out what he's getting into right now while his friends aren't in the danger zone then even if there is a trap then he can try to work through it. Better than saving bankai for now, but actually getting into a dire spot where he needs it but can't be sure if he can safely use it. Still is pretty loose with using his bankai and is lucky that it didn't work for some reason.

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Ichigo's Shikai never gets its due any more .
Which is a shame since it still looks really awesome.

Last edited by FlareKnight; 2022-10-10 at 18:47.
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