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Old 2022-10-03, 18:50   Link #65
kari-no-sugata II
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I think it's too early for Miorine to have genuine romantic feelings for Suletta, so I'm just assuming she's using the whole "groom" thing as an excuse to ward off other suitors because she's not serious otherwise.
Sure, which is why I said "some interest" rather than specifically hinting at romance.

Although she did pretty nonchalantly confirm same-sex marriage is normal in that setting .
Not sure how much we should read into that comment specifically. Maybe it means nothing and she just wanted to act superior. Maybe it means "I'm totally up for yuri". Or even both. Or something else...

Either way though, her attitude towards being engaged to douchebag and towards Suletta is completely different... even though she's still having choices forced upon her. How much of that is Suletta's gender, how much of that is Suletta's personality and how much of that is simply Suletta not being a douchebag is something we'll have to wait and see.

Well, I guess we probably won't get an Ariel fight every episode because that might kill the budget a little .
A little

I do feel like some of the other corporations might want to test Suletta's mettle or find out more about her, either through a duel or otherwise. Especially the kid who was reading his book but perked up when he realized she was piloting a Gundam.
I guess if they've got money to burn. If Suletta is that aggressive with every battle, a mere duel would be too short to gauge much.

I'm not sure if he would be okay with the "result" if it brings back into prominence the Mobile Suit and the design structure that he tried to systematically nip in the bud.
Massive firepower advantage = massive competitive advantage = massive profits.

You thought he decided to screw over the group in the prologue purely for moral reasons? Nah.

If he sees a refined product that has a massive advantage and seemingly no downsides... he's going to want that very much. So what if he has to backtrack a bit. He can simply say that times have moved on and this is an entirely new approach which works.

...which is quite possibly the trap that Suletta's mom has laid. Bait him with high tech, get him to approve it before he finds out the true origins. Then end him.

Edit: To be a bit clearer: several people have pointed out that it's a bit too obvious that Aerial is a "Gundam". I'm suggesting that rather than being a "bug" it's a "feature". Particularly given the hints that Suletta's mom might be the "masked man".

Last edited by kari-no-sugata II; 2022-10-03 at 19:42.
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