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Old 2022-10-03, 03:02   Link #50
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Age: 48
Yeah, finally saw it as well. Damn, that activated all the nostalgia sensors in my body. And I am not even that big a fan of the film version, since they changed both Altos and Sheryls character for the worse from the TV version (with big improvements to Ranka and Michael survives as well, so there's that).

Yeah, I can only hope that this means we'll get a new OVA one of those days. Hoping for a sequel probably is way too much to hope for with Kawamori. But he still got it, as can be seen in this short OVA, so Delta wasn't a permanent indicator of a downward trajectory.

In any case, it seems that beam pointed to somewhere out of the galaxy. Quite a ways off you went, Alto.
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