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Old 2022-08-06, 16:58   Link #42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by stray View Post
But... categorizing the recommendations they're getting is information that can and should be used to give a better recommendation; someone being a snowflake about having their favorite work mislabeled helps absolutely no one and succeeds in basically nothing but shutting down engagement in the recommendation thread. You can't have it both ways; you can't fault the person asking for recommendation for not giving enough information if you're going to get offended by the information they're willing to provide.

In my experience the biggest complaint or frustration when it comes to recommendation threads on Reddit and elsewhere is people who just don't give enough information. OP might be abrasive but at least seems willing to engage and collectively the opinion here seems to be "but not like that!" which is just kind of sad to me and reminds me of why I barely even touch recommendation threads anymore.
I actually agree with you that the big issue when asking for recommendations is to provide enough information. But the key point I'm saying is that the evidence provided here (which isn't all the evidence, so we can't know for sure) suggests that the OP did not, in fact, provide enough information. They're using broad terms applied liberally that have more subtle nuance to fans of the genre (not related to being "snowflakes" about anything). Learning this should be information the OP can use to request better recommendations, and that additional detail provided will help others give better recommendation in turn. Better input, better output. But none of this necessarily has anything to do with "blatantly lying" as the OP suggested.

People responding to recommendation threads don't generally have a motivation to actually lie (unless they're trolling). If someone follows a misleading recommendation they're still not going to like it anyway, and then they'll just be even more annoyed with those who misled them. A fan of a work may be blind to some of its arguable flaws, but they wouldn't typically try to mislead others about it -- they want others to genuinely like it as they do. No one's going to be "coerced" into liking it.

Maybe the other conclusion of all this is just "you're asking in the wrong place," which is certainly possible. But I'd start first with "are you asking in the right way?" and my conclusion after reading the OP's posts (abrasiveness included) is to suspect that this problem is most likely a two-way street. (Of course, this assumes the OP actually wants to solve the problem and get better recommendations in the future, and this thread isn't just about "punching down.")
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