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Old 2022-08-04, 23:26   Link #30
Join Date: Jun 2006
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
I assume, then, you are not talking about this forum (since we have no downvote anyway, and this is part of why). In my experience, some places on the Internet just don't attract people looking for reasonable dialog and conversation, so you just shouldn't look for "objective recommendations" from those kinds of places. My guess is that the forum you're talking about (maybe a Subreddit?) is a place where a lot of trolling occurs on all sides, so everything becomes polarized and reactionary.

That said, I will also comment from my experience... sometimes when people relay these kinds of stories, they portray themselves as a bit more reasonable than they actually come across. For example, rather than being like "I think this character is OP", sometimes people are extremely aggressive and provocative in their phrasing, to the point of almost attacking fans of the work. Obviously I don't know about this situation, and I am not trying to accuse... but I have become skeptical over the years about any one-sided story that seems like "I was being entirely reasonable, and the other party was entirely unreasonable." It does happen for sure, but most of the time there's blame to go around.

Anyway, if you do see any of this kind of behavior on this site, please report it.
Yea, it happens a lot on reddit, for example, i once said that the MC of lvl 9999 gacha was too OP and it made it too easy to get his revenge and I was downvoted into oblivion. Two people who agreed with me were also mass downvoted.
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