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Old 2022-08-04, 06:46   Link #23
Join Date: Jun 2006
I just figured it might have gone better approaching with a gentle "not quite what I was looking for" rather than opening with accusations of blatantly lying and then getting surprised when they respond in kind.
Its more like :

Me : You said this doesnt have a harem, so why does the MC get a party full of hot girls in the first 3 chapters and the story is about adding more hot girls to the party?

Them : You must be blind, this isnt a harem series at all!

Theres another common thing ive seen, which has to do with the GATE - JSDF manga where the JSDF invades a fantasy world and slaughters not-romans with guns.

If i say that I want to read a "reverse GATE" where the JSDF goes to a fantasy world and actually loses to the natives because they have high tier magic and can summon meteors or whatever...people will say things like "oh, thats common in manga, magical girl precure has that, the JSDF loses to magic!" and they will even suggest things like "kamen rider because the monsters are magical and the JSDF loses".

And it just makes me facepalm because a magical girl series and GATE is not even remotely similar...and the JSDF never invades a fantasy world in a magical girl series...

I cant tell if they are just bad at reading comprehension or what...

Last edited by Question; 2022-08-04 at 06:59.
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