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Old 2022-07-20, 11:48   Link #7
Haven't You Heard?
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: South-east Asia
Looking back based on my personal experience I think its not that bad.

During 00-10's era I do notice there's significant amount of cynicism into "cute girls doing cute things" but as Sheba said, it something akin to case of now "Isekai". When it done in moderation its good, however the explosion caused a lot of production committee think they can get away with low quality execution because "cute girls doing cute things" mantra worked like a charm for sales (or VN, or isekai, chose your poison); can't say its poor decision because on production side one will always wanted to optimize sales.

The hate is understandable because part of that era charm is a lot of anime blogger building for identity following bigger ones like Random Curiosity.
Mecha-specialized blog, mystery-reaction specialized blog and many more. VN and LN adaptation still worked for them as it doesn't come with fixed theme allowing various stories taken, but when cute girls doing cute things taking over, as in increasing to the point a lot of anime for a year using similar premise (just like how a lot of isekai-ed people having some kind of OP skills), is it strange for dissatisfaction increased it became concentrated? I don't think not-as-positive-as-me in certain works have serious correlation to longevity in blogging compare to connections, writing style and information quality.

Back then there's this blog I followed, specialized on posting summary of LNs, it doesn't active anymore; 10+ years inactive (closed) as far as I could remember. Its not popular like RC, the traffic is small, like 3-5 people, I think. Sometimes talked about "Why I think this LN deserved anime adaptation" after the summaries. One day, the owner said he will not posting regularly because it became harder to made talk about it as lack of variety following cute girls doing cute things trend spell incoming lack of care to sub-culture like chuuni, mecha, etc unless supported by big player like Gundam, super popular like Idolmaster, or can be incorporated with cute girls doing cute things; not much hope to LN compare to before he grew disliked it. Kinda feel bad for him because he's big fan of Aria, which belong to that category.

By now, I'd like to believe as long one gave proper explanation to "Why I dislike this", people will understand.
"I dislike this movie because standard moeblob stuff that can be done in regular episode, also poor detailing on activities" is understandable for me. Then again, by current standard following rise of social media, this kind of statement equal to act of haters, person far from being credible, not my friend anymore and anything synonymous. LOL.

Life is simple, that's why it became complicated. -
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