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Old 2022-07-16, 00:53   Link #15
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
It will never be a trend.

1. Otaku can be very "sensitive" to this issue. You know, OMG, she's not a virgin! OMG, she's a bitch! That stuff.
2. As such, it is not a popular theme.
3. Also, I guess a lack of personal experience?

This if, of course, talking about shows that treat the topic seriously. Not like Reviewers-type of sex plot.
There's plenty of sexual manga out there. It kind of depends on how it's presented. That said, I've had to recently recognize just how right you are about how "sensitive" many can be with the continued hate I see in comments about the manga Chisa X Pon. Yes, the story presents kids as actually kids, focuses on all the sorts of mistakes that can be made and the very real consequences that can come of it, and all that most have to say is either "she's a slut, he deserves better" or "she's an idiot who got raped because of her own idiocy, he deserves better".

But again, it probably will depend on presentation. Interspecies Reviewers seems to have done quite well by itself, suggesting that stories that dive deep can work (as long as they're creative enough). Redo of Healer has shown that using sex as a medium to the achievement of certain ends can also work (revenge in general is extremely popular, and getting vengeance on abusive women by abusing them back certainly has its place). It should be noted that, to my knowledge, there are plenty of hentai out there with experienced women or even with the women having other partners as a central plot (I don't get the NTR fetish, to me the very idea is disgusting unless the hero finds a way to take her back, but apparently it's a very big thing). If the hentai industry can come up with numerous methods to sell a story where the women are experienced or other such things, I'm sure it's possible for more general manga and anime to do so.

Actually, thinking about it, I suspect that a bigger problem than the girl not being a virgin is the girl having been in love before. I mean, I've seen a few stories that make a point about the girl not being a virgin. However, among those, even excluding rape victims, most were deceived, finding out that the partner was different than they thought later on, or they somehow became so casual that sex doesn't seem to mean anything to them, or they willingly gave it away for other reasons, but they never actually fell in love. Or if they fell in love, it didn't end up in a relationship (like how, in March Comes in Like a Lion, Hinata has a big crush on a childhood friend, but he moves away before she can develop any real close bond with him; it was never allowed to go beyond a childish crush).

Last edited by BWTraveller; 2022-07-16 at 22:14.
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