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Old 2022-04-07, 10:18   Link #34
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by Twi View Post
He hasn't been doing just fine. He's been barely scraping by. Despite my own beliefs about the narrative and how it bends to make Naofumi look good and my questioning why they hadn't locked the princess in a tower and bricked it shut, the heroes are the strongest people due to the benefits of their weapons, while Naofumi's party has only been able to match them because of the Slave-User Shield giving them increased stat growths because of course it does.

The waves are going to get stronger and Glass' party both helped them deal with the sea monster and then barely got routed the last time, so the tricks they pulled won't work a second time. The other heroes are the best bet they have working in tandem with him, but the earlier part of the series along with the fact that the King summoned all four when they were supposed to be split to handle the waves across the different areas have left them all underleveled and uncooperative to the point where Fitoria has been doing the heavy lifting off-screen.

The problem is she's making empty threats because you can't kill them and have the story continue, so it doesn't have much weight out of universe.
I mean, it probably is an empty threat, but I can imagine she could maybe put enough fear into them for them to clean up their acts...but I might be expecting too much of those three .
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