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Old 2022-04-07, 08:05   Link #30
Speedy Sea Cucumber
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Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
Why would the writer have to at this point? Aside from being a bit brusque sometimes, Naofumi is a respected hero, runs his own area competently, is helpful to the queen and so on.

To me it seemed a bit strange that the three other heroes all got up simultaneously and left. It seems from my perspective as if they have their own plans which run in the background. The part about wanting to focus on the waves exclusively somehow seemed more of a contrivance than their real intentions.
They changed things around a bit (Naofumi wasn't really supposed to have his territory until later) but the gist is pretty much the same, that the heroes 1. don't want to work together and 2. want autonomy from the kingdom.
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