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Old 2022-02-26, 18:49   Link #25
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora is from 2003 - 2006, so did the flaming happen a long time ago? Why on Earth would the author of S&W choose to flame that other author? I can't think of any benefit that S&W's author would get from flaming the author of HnTgNS.
HanTsuki is just one of his works. He was flaming the author, not HanTsuki. Almost 10 years now though, yeah.

So, this actually happened in two steps. Hehe, you motivated me to do a bit more refreshing into this subject.

In the first step around 2011, Hantsuki's author said something that Memochou's and SpiceWolf's authors did not like, so they decided to flame and bully him on 2ch. BTW, Durararara's author was also one of the ones participating in this bullying.
Hantsuki's author told the correct authorities about this plan, and they got into trouble. This happened in private though, and was not found out until the leak.

Then in 2013, the leak occurred and the public learned about what they did, with their own eyes.
Basically, Memochou's author, Spice and Wolf's author, etc... They formed a group to negative-campaign others, praise their own works, so on. And their target was not just Hantsuki's author, but other ones like Akira (日日日) who would not join their group. You know, classic bullying + hurting rivals. That bad shit.

I'm pretty sure you know how there are people on the internet that just haaaaaaaaate opinions not matching their own.
Now, imagine that guy is a rival working in the same industry.
Yeah. There's your motivation.

For more details, run this website through Google Translate or something. It has all the information you want (or don't want) on the incident, as well as anything else bad Spice and Wolf's author did and got dug up

Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
So are people still giving S&W's author flak for that bit of flaming?
Hmm, not really. People have moved on. When he started running away by closing his blog and Twitter, that really poured gasoline on the fire and resulted him getting doxed though.
Would the fire rekindle if he resumed...? Don't know. Don't really think people care that much about this series now, outside of its core fans.
Also, I worded it lightly, but what they did was more egregious, as I explained a bit more in this post.

Of course, the smartest decision would be to just apologize, but... *shrug*
Memochou's author did, and he gets to use Twitter and all of that stuff.

Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
Was it something wrong with D.Gray-Man's source material?
Probably. It doesn't help that the only main girl character was sidelined.

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