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Old 2022-02-15, 18:28   Link #53
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Let me say something before tomorrow:

Worst Case Scenario. Putin attacks anyway since he is a serial liar. There is also the posibility that a trigger happy grunt might trigger the war; remember Flight MH17 and Archduke Franz Ferdinand. There is also the possibility of a repeat of the "little green men" scenario, everybody is looking at the border, not sure how closely they are monitoring people entering Ukraine thru airports and black sea ports.

Best Case Scenario. The promise of "The mother of all sanctions" stopped further escalation ... for now. Remember Putin is president for life (and longer if he manages to put his head in a jar, Futurama style). He can bet onto getting Trump (or one of his sons or daughters) into the WH. Would not be surprised if he announces retirement as part of a campaign to make the west believe the danger is over.

I do wonder what are the odds atm in Las Vegas gambling.
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