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Old 2022-01-06, 11:48   Link #7
Transfer Adventurer
Join Date: Oct 2017
That might be true, but I am looking for characters that are finished with character development, not whiny brats in urgent need of it. Might not have made that point clear enough, though.

Everyone has different taste. I'm currently into shows where the protagonist reincarnaes or travels back in time and Chinese cultivation stories got my back there for a while, but know that I've read about 30 of them with nearly identical plots (most of which I liked) I'm having trouble finding more. Which is why I made this topic, which is a description of those stories from another perspective.

Anime reincarnation and time travel stories are not the same, by the way. In the Chinese ones, it's always some incredibly old cultivator going back. And since cultivators live more or less forever, that means hundreds or thousands or even millions of years old. But in anime you never get that type of character. It's mostly boring horny teenage boys with the odd exception here and there, i.e. Youjo Senki, but even then it's someone less than 50 years old.
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