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Old 2021-07-27, 22:18   Link #152
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Wow, I can't believe two of my questions were answered by Pomu. She defeated me very handidly by her powerlevel by naming Brigadoon as her OBSCURE ANIME, and then I correctly guessed she watched KAMEN NO MAID GUY judging by her loving maids and KOTOKO. Also have a sense of accomplishment too, considering that led to Kannazuki no Miko, which in turn turned into the topic where she reveals she had a girlfriend before. (not surprising considering her extensive knowledge of maid/idols AND her choice of anime)

Makes me wish Gura has higher tiered free chats, as the only thing she ever read from me was asking her to sing Ikenai Borderline, only to be disappointed she had dropped practicing it months before. ^^;

So yeah, now I know why people drop akasupas - having the vtuber respond to your questions is exhilarating, and akasupas is the easiest way to get their attention. Just too bad I gambled all my disposable income in gachas so no money for superchats... XD

As for other vtubers, Rosemi is very much charming me despite me believing the 4chan narrative that she's a backstabbing bitch, so good on her. And Selen is very entertaining to watch when playing Apex - nice to see high level play in vtubers I can actually understand lol.

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