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Old 2021-07-10, 04:02   Link #79
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Kharkiv, Ukraine / Barcelona, Spain
Age: 35
Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
Hell to the max no. Frontier TV was a much better story overall than the movies with better character work as well.
I would argue with it.

- They killed Michael just because;
- They made Sherils manager and Rankas brother behave out of character as generic villians in final parts of the story just because, instead of exploiting the whole plot with crazy goverment of their homeplanet;
- The whole situation with Sherils potential imprisonment was abandonned;
- They ended the series with generic happy end that did not resolve romantic triangle any way.

And these are just from the top of my head. It is pretty clear that the script was rewritten during the process and scriptwriters just were not sure what to do with trhe plot.

Despite movies being much more condenced I like the general storyline and ending way more there.
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