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Old 2021-07-08, 19:54   Link #27
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Well, apart from the minor detail that Rika just killed herself and Satoko followed suit, the only valuable info we got is that there was absolutely no unreliable narrator in Onidamashi, in spite of the many speculations in that sense that people did at the time.

The unrealistic amount of blood and exaggerated blood splatters as well as the almost comical exchange of strikes between Rena and K1 are just something that the animators decided to do.

It is not conclusive, but I'm going to bet that it will turn out that there was no unreliable narrator in the other "damashi" arcs either.

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Thankfully, the next arc should have more mysteries to answer, and might develop Satoko. The biggest mystery for me is why she stuck around after Rika was killed and later went on to confront Mion. She should call it quits as soon as Rika dies since she doesn't care about the fragments (other than her perfect one), so it's weird.
My guess is that Satoko went to confront Mion to make absolutely sure that Rika was killed rather than kidnapped or something. This episode made clear that Satoko really wants to be sure that Rika dies first and we know from Watadamashi that Rika's body wasn't found until after Mion died.

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