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Old 2021-07-06, 02:00   Link #68
Haven't You Heard?
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: South-east Asia
I personally like Kenneth, he managed to be my favorite character for this series.

I love how he reeks of confidence from being "smart through experience" since his introduction, very refreshing compare to Suwabe usual roles of "smart because he is smart" character. We also rarely have this kind of casual smooth talker within Gundam franchise so its definitely a treat.

He treated Gigi like trophy but not without reason. As he said, battlefield can be frustrating so every soldier would like a "reward"; that's a good way to motivate oneself. Of course, as time goes he also noticed that he managed to provoke both Hathaway and Gigi by acting like that so he keep rolling with it considering they were on his suspect list in regards to Mafty activities.

I don't think its fair to blame him for casualties on Davao because casualties is inevitable since the attack launched (seriously, expecting no casualties from 40 floors building that get shot by mobile suits rifle?). He scolding Lane is correct move as well with how Lane's pride as pilot of Penelope taking control over minimizing damage within one movie; rare kind of well-written secondary lead in Gundam, I'd say. Using chair for interrogation is pretty minor damage in comparison to "burn a city except our boss because we're going to space".

Aside that I found it intriguing they didn't try to put Hathaway on good light.

Back then in Code Geass, Lelouch got all the justification about 'terrorism for greater good' while Suzaku treated with 'government is bad and there's no cure for it'.
Here Kenneth made it clear that 'sure, government is corrupt but there's always competent person like me and your dad (Bright)' compare to Hathaway who easily lose an argument against taxi driver and being buddy to everyone on Mafty base as if implying no real leadership within the organization, just band of youths being reckless.

Life is simple, that's why it became complicated. -
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