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Old 2021-07-05, 23:19   Link #67
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I liked him at first, but as the movie went on, he came across as more and more of an asshole, seeing Gigi as just a trophy, torturing prisoners, and not really caring about his men making the life of civilians hell.
Oh yeah, he was criticizing Lane for his handling of Penelope and not for all the civilian casualties. Admittedly I was probably distracted by him riding a horse into a battlefield .

Yeah, the torturing prisoners thing was pretty bad, especially using them as a hostage. Do we really want people to think the Titans are back ?

Even Gigi could tell his feelings weren't really sincere or serious, he's just flippant and sees her on a surface level. Like she was utterly bored by him at the beginning and only starts throwing herself at him to make Hathaway jealous.
The highlight of the movie, other than the gorgeous visuals, was probably Gigi. She's the kind of woman (girl? At some point someone mentions she looks underage) that is fascinating and incredibly seductive... as well as dangerous. She's the kind of character I love to watch, but if I ever met a girl like her I'd run away as far as I could. Oh, and there is no doubt she's fucking that old count, she pretty much spelled it to Kenneth. And this is Tomino, he doesn't shy away from stuff like that.
I don't think she's personally dangerous. She's seductive, beautiful, intelligent, rich, might be able to see through lies because she's a Newtype, and might side with the ideals of a terrorist group (if not their methods), but when she freaks out at people dying in front of her and from all the destruction, she seems rather innocent. Especially compared to, say, Quess whom Hathaway projects on her.

That being said, Hathaway's burgeoning infatuation (or something to that effect) with her is already causing him more trouble than it's worth. And she's sticking around to be in the middle of a war between Hathaway and Kenneth, which I don't see ending well for anyone...
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
Btw, since the English title for this one is Gundam: Hathaway, what will the next movie's title be? Gundam: Gigi/Kenneth? Gundam: Hathaway 2?
Gundam: Hathaway Part Two ?
She's 19 years old FWIW.
How old is Hathaway? I can't think he's much older. Although Kenneth kind of seems like he might be older than both .
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