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Old 2021-05-21, 11:27   Link #4004
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Yeah Mikasa's husband could be a total nobody just like Historia's, though the possibility that it's Jean is still there, I guess it's been left purposely ambiguous.

Anyway judging by how developed Paradis is in the panel when you see it destroyed, I think it's safe to assume that at least 100 years have passed (it's past the date where Mikasa died of old age anyway). So I guess that the diplomatic efforts had some sort of effect, but they only stalled the inevitable.

In the end Eren only cared about his friends really, he never cared about what would happen to Paradis or its inhabitants, his only objective was to let them live the rest of their lives in peace and free. And for that he sacrificed more than a billion of human lives (supposing this planet is as similar to our own as it appears, there should have been around 2 billion people in that world, and 80% have been killed).

I'm not sure what we are supposed to infer from the last panel though. Clearly that tree resembles the one where Ymir found the supernatural "centipede" that started the whole ordeal, but why exactly would there be another one there? How does that even make sense? Are we supposed to think that Eren's head somehow turned into a supernatural "centipede" over the years? Or did the centipede decided to relocate there because it somehow felt some attachment to the last founder user? I don't know...

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