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Old 2021-02-10, 14:27   Link #75
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
It wasn't really manipulation since the both of them had specified the rule. And Honesty wanted that rule there too, as people of the land were continuing to come in to visit and try to move in, and they wanted anyone and everyone that they could bring in to take part. Shiroe just did the same thing with the gates, opening up a path for people who harbored an interest in establishing a deep connection and/or residency to enter and participate. And it's clear that the people of the land were also delighted by it, as they were able to see people they'd left behind long ago.

Anyway, I'm more than happy to accept this sort of "manipulation", since it's quite clear that it's more a matter of improving the city and demonstrating a great act intended to help the people, which just happens to bring in more people at the same time.

More to the point, it seems like beyond that influx the people themselves were heavily swayed by the plans put forth for the new Round Table. And frankly, first thing I thought was "this is how campaigning should be". I'd absolutely love to see an election where the people running only presented their goals, how they planned to achieve them, and their own personal qualifications. Every time I see a campaign throwing punches at their opponent, talking about what awful people the opponents are and such, I feel real contempt toward the people who presented said campaign.

Not to mention the mentality presented is so ideal and far from what we've seen in a long time. Win a little, lose a little, don't do too much of either, and aim to progress steadily toward every side attaining happiness and satisfaction. So much better than "I'd rather break the entire system than let the other side have even one win".
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