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Old 2021-01-21, 07:48   Link #11
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Where magic is real
Age: 35
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A question for those with higher paychecks than most people online:

How long of a period does one get before you start saying, "New person!"?

Basically, I'm going to scrutinize Biden as much as Trump. Trump did a shit ton of damage on top of damage that was already present during Obama's tenure, so Biden gets some leeway- we'll say a year. For a year, he's got two of the three branches controlled by the same party, so I want to see shit get done. yes, on Day One, he's gotten A LOT done... but unfortunately, there's a lot more to do. Biden gets a year of relatively unchallenged power (bad phrasing, honestly)... and if he drags things like with what happened to Obama, barring any other unforeseen circumstances (Ted kennedy, specifically his death, was the unforeseen bit for Obama)... then we start pressuring Biden to do shit.

Yes, the US and maybe the world at large is able to breathe easier for some time. But if Obama-era was "normal"... we can't return to that. We have to be BETTER. And the last President who used "normalcy"... well, I would argue Harding is number five on the list of "Worst Presidents ever."
Gifted...or Cursed?

R+V fanfic- Chapter 4 of A Water Bride and a Vampire is now up at!

All fans of Inner or Outer Moka, come join her fanclub!
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