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Old 2021-01-19, 07:59   Link #90
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
But anything less than categorically viewing war crimes as an unnecessary evil is still going to be problematic you know.
I can agree that this story is full of situations that challenge the reader/watcher on whether war crimes are necessary evils or just evils, but I think there's a very predominant theme going on since the very start of the manga that ultimately if these crimes end up being committed is due to the human's petty and gritty nature.

I personally see a very harsh judgement on the evil that humans commit because of how their weak minds, driven by their own fears, work. Just think for example at how people reacted when they first realized that Eren could change into a Titan. You just could see how much effort Isayama put in showing the fear in the man that ordered Eren's immediate execution. And nothing really has changed now, since Willy Tybur's plan pretty much hinged in terrorizing all the ambassadors so that they could give Marley their support against Paradis.

Even if this story ultimately told us that it was all inevitable, I would still argue that it's because of the author's pessimistic and fatalistic view on humanity, not hawkism which actually sees war as something positive in the end.

According to some article I found when asked what he would if he lived in the world of AoT, Isayama said:

"I want to live on the border and just plant crops. Though I can imagine that this kind of lifestyle has its own hardships, I would never be a soldier."
That sounds like what a dove would say not a hawk.

Last edited by Jan-Poo; 2021-01-19 at 08:18.
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