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Old 2021-01-15, 12:33   Link #71
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Wow, how telling that the only person in this WW2 allegory that was nice to the Jew allegories and that didn't stay for the declaration of war was the Japanese delegate.

I had heard and read a few things from other people about this season and how it kind of reads like history revisionism or Holocause apologism and boy, does it feel like it at times.

So who do you cheer for in this kind of story? On one side you have the Jew allegories who can turn into literal monsters who have totally been evil throughout history guys (remember they ate/murdered, raped and ensalved three times the in-world existing world wide population), except that one group that wanted peace that took refuge on a small island nation (really subtle there) that now seem to want to kill everyone in the world or something, I guess? While on the other you have literal Nazi's and Nazi sympathizers... But remember, the Japanese totally have nothing to do with it, and they are also naturally born super humans that can fight the meat mech menace with their bare hands.

With that said, I do like the idea of Eren being the true villain, especially considering how much he sucks as a hero, but so far the only people that are shown to be against him are basically just Nazis and their sympathizers and I don't feel comfortable cheering for any character on that side no matter how much the story is trying to make them feel sympathetic.
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