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Old 2006-08-12, 16:55   Link #87
Holy Beast ~Wuff!~
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Age: 41
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Originally Posted by no common sense
Can you site a source since that contradicts my present understanding of human biology with females not having any influence on the sex of the offspring and male meiosis producing equal parts XX and XY sperm with the XY sperm having a slight advantage due to its smaller size. Also genetically superior is ambiguous, by nature's standard it's simply whoever can produce the most offspring. /offtopic

I dunno why anyone is arguing about this, for your information what you have just mention is precisely that, it's human biology.

Unless you know any humans that has rabbit/tiger/dog ears and a tail fairly recently...

I don't think we can assume anything in Utawarerumono.

for all we know, the way genetics work in Utawarerumono, could depend on which sex the mother wants the child to be, or how genetically influenctial the father's sperm is, compared to the mothers.

Or it could depend on the weather....who knows?

No one knows.....
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