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Old 2021-01-01, 15:55   Link #51
Mister Twit
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Somewhere in this machine
I'm having such a hard time getting invested here. Am I meant to be feeling disconnected from this setting and its characters right now? I can't even figure out who's supposed to be the focus.

I feel like this season so far perfectly encapsulates my problem with the series as a whole. It presents action without context, then a while later it spends a long period of time explaining everything out. Except because the action was presented without context at the time it feels meaningless, and because the explanation is so long-winded, it becomes tiresome and adds surprisingly little. Instead of clever, it just reeks of poor planning to me.

The times when this show was at its strongest was when it didn't rely on explanations and just presented something that didn't need context to have impact. So far that hasn't happened this season, and from the way things are going I'm not even sure if I can ever expect it again.
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