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Old 2020-12-16, 17:21   Link #221
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
He claimed he had submitted a script or perhaps a story to KyoAni where it was refused. He then believed he saw his material in a show the studio produced and apparently decided to murder over thirty people in return. It's hard to know how much credence to give the claims of someone who seemed as deranged as this guy.
IMO something simply does not fit in here. The "they stole my idea and made a profitable IP" is nothing new in Hollywood; whether it has really happened or are mere delusions of some no name writers does not change the reality that I have not heard of anyone in the USA being charged with attempted murder (and buying a firearm there is easier than hauling 20 liters of gasoline thru a city) for said reasons.

I think there must be something more to this story, it wont change the fact that he murdered on cold blood dozens of people, but the motivation seems shallow to me.

Maybe at the end of the day there is no further particular motivation from the culprit, but this alternative is even more frightening. I could be wrong but I get the sense that Japan as a society is a powder keg, you have adults routinely being overworked, living unhappy lives day in and day out with no free time to vent and no end to their misery beyond retirement. This is frightening because this might happen again in Japan, it might not be related to anime, manga or any of our hobbies, but that does not mean is less concerning and next time the perpetrator might have a full brain to begin with (this attack successfully killed many people not because he was a genius, but because that building was a fire trap and they had the bad luck of relaxing the security the day he appeared at their doorstep)
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