Thread: Licensed Boku no Hero Academia
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Old 2020-12-15, 12:23   Link #5114
Hu Tao
Join Date: Oct 2006
The Reddit post from My Hero Academia chapter 294 brought up a valid point about Mr.Compress.

Someone better tell Mr compress that massacring 21 cities full of innocent people isn't something Oji Harima would be proud of.......
Mr Compress's dad: "Listen kid our great great grandfather was a legendary thief who stole from sham heroes and gave back what he stole to the streets, he was a true hero, a hero of the people,a modern day Robin Hood."

Mr Compress: "Anyway so i started blasting"
So Compress is another one of those psychos who has deluded himself into believing he's serving a righteous cause even though all he's doing is help mass murderers and terrorists.
"Our family lineage is about exposing injustice"

He says as he rides on a monster that killed thousands of innocent people. Every single villain in this manga is nothing but a hypocrite.
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