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Old 2020-11-30, 18:21   Link #1408
Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Euphoria: My personal, selfish favorite is actually the 小島大和 one, and the new 犬江しんすけ one is second, but with 小島大和 she arguably seems younger, more bubbly and all that compared to her Seinarukana version. That won't work out too well and besides I remember the 小島大和 one wasn't exactly beloved (at least here).
I actually don't mind 小島大和 over 犬江しんすけ for Euphoria if it meant choosing between the former and the latter. 人丸's will always be best for me for several reasons, with the top reasons being it's easy on the eyes, is practical (aura makes armor is a minor factor), and unique with Rakios aesthetics and serves to parallel Myuugi's design that also has a Rakios-esque design. 犬江しんすけ's versions like it's trying to get the Saber appeal crowd thus comes off generic.

Myugi: I agree the new 犬江しんすけ one is uninspired next to the other ones, but at least it's competent and I can buy that being a teen. Also, while 小島大和's looks good as a key visual or light novel art, I suspect those feathers won't be such a good match if you look at her face on (the primary visual novel angle), and the feathers are so prominent I can't estimate what she'll look like without them. Unsafe. Moving on.
As alluded, I believe there's intention parallelism between Euphoria's and Myuugi's design that likely comes from Myuugi's subconscious desire to be with Euphoria (...apart from denying her own existence and existential destruction/suffering of all things) . Which would explain why her fragments are lolis, the Rakios-ish attires, wings that contrast Euphoria. On top of that, Myuugi created a miniture garden Time Tree where Agastia resides in, and its setting and Spirits are similar to Phantasmagoria's either. I don't think that's a coincidence. Anyways, I cannot believe 犬江しんすけ got rid of the cute hat!

Hiziri: These stern-eyed types aren't my favorite. The new 犬江しんすけ version seems more mature and the other two are more teenage. This may reflect changes in intended characterization, and if we are going for the mature miko type then the new one fits the personality better, though none are fails.
Before she became an Eternal, the Kurahashi clan tasked Hiziri with a mission when she was 15 years old. Then when she returned to her village, tragedy struck her imouto. Not sure how long she was away for, but it couldn't have been long if her imouto is still a young girl. For me, 人丸's design is cute, vibrant, youthful but with a mature, dutiful, and elegant air about her. Both 小島大和 and 犬江しんすけ aren't as graceful nor as cute, and are a bit too mature.

Raguranju: 人丸's looks bland and doesn't make me think of the klutzy personality suggested in the description. 小島大和's is really pushing that klutzy angle but again seems to work better as a Key Visual than a Visual Novel. The new 犬江しんすけ is flexible and so can work with the noted personality.
While Raguranju right now is ditz right now due to external circumstances, she's one of the oldest living Eternals and is a vault of wisdom and knowledge. I don't think her persona is supposed to entirely klutzy, which is what 犬江しんすけ seemingly aimed for. 人丸's is more reserved on that front and is less exaggerated, but it's not without airhead potential as seen concept art of her facial expressions. One thing that bothers me most is how 小島大和 did away with her white and red color schemes. The poncho redesign is very bland too.

All Temourins look the same, do they? Moving on...
Temuorin generally has about the same design throughout, but there's subtle difference. Mainly, it comes down to finer details that add idiosyncrasies to stand out, and 人丸 is best at that.

Reina: I do think the 小島大和 is better, and retain my opinion on the new one, but at least it doesn't suck. 人丸's chooses its audience and I suspect the new choice is a safer one.
For Reina, I actually do think 小島大和 is best. Reina is an otaku girl from a world likes ours that's from the near future, and 小島大和 reflects that best. But 犬江しんすけ's Reina feels off-based and her color scheme that mesh well with the others is gone.

Since a visual novel design has to first Not Fail before it can Succeed, and as can be seen above the new one is the only set that I can give at least a pass mark to everyone, I think overall he is on the right path.
I won't say 犬江しんすけ is a failure as a character designer, but given past designs, 人丸 and 小島大和 are a lot better by comparison. 人丸 simply has a huge advantage, given he's worked with the series for a long time and knows the setting and characters second best after Naofumi. Fantasy is his forte too if judging by art portfolio. But for causal or new fans just entering, 犬江しんすけ may be say the least.

And as an aside ... Kijin? Are we now mixing in Kikouyoku Senki concepts too?
Are you referring to Digit? I wouldn't mind a nod to Kikouyoku Senki verse or even a connection if it meant expanding the setting more. Hello magic vs science.
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